Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21, 2009

Making cards for a very sick friend of a friend.

Grace set up three little beds for three stuffed animals. She got each a blanket, a book and a "bottle" and then told Suki that she was the Daddy. She's been pronouncing it "Datty," as her current phase involves a refusal to believe that there is a soft d sound in the middle of any word and uses a hard t instead (we blame a British show called Peppa Pig for this). She implored "Suki Datty" to be quiet, their animals needed a rest.

Kate tries to act innocent in the midst of a mess.

Reading together.

Kate loves this adorable dog.

Oh, little sisters, always messing with her stuff.

Reading on the monkey chair.

Post bath.

Not in any mood for a picture.

Sweet and sleepy.

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