Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June 3, 2009

I asked Grace to put on Kate's shoes, mostly because it entertains me to see what these girls will do when a new challenge is tossed their way. To my surprise, she got Kate's crocs and went to the living room where her sister was. She wrangled her sister by the neck to the ground shouting "give me your feet, Kate!" After that it was much calmer, and she actually did manage to wedge Kate's feet into the shoes. With the straps flipped up, though, it was easy for Kate to slip them back off and start chomping away on them, and Grace was able to experience firsthand the frustration of having someone undo the work you just did.

Wedging them back on.

Then it was outside with some of our books about growing things.

Grace took a turn with the camera and went on a hunt for things that grow. Here's her shot of some grass...

...some leaves...

and a blurry shot of a bush and part of a finger.

Looking up at the trees.

Running with leaves.

Finding a good stick for chewing.

Then we went on a wagon ride along our street to find other examples of things that grow.

We chatted about what plants need to flourish.

We looked at flowers and trees.

We picked flowers along the way.

Then it was back home.

Grace loves lying under this tree.

Kate loves chewing everything around her.

She also endorses products: Bubble Bubble, for all of your bubbling needs!

A beautiful Suki running with her jewelry.

Then we read our books.

Okay, we read them and we love them but this shot shows some very distracted girls.

We had a grape snack under the leaves.


So lovely.

Kate loves eating what her sisters do.

How cute is this baby?

Grace tells a story about the little dog that looked different, the little horse that looked different, the little duck that looked different...

This looks like the planet Saturn, says Grace.

A quiet sip.

My happy little Kate.

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