Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

Spotting a picture of the Michelin man out the window of the car on the way to preschool. We sometimes pass a giant inflatable Michelin man in our travels so he's turned into quite the celebrity around here.

A kiss goodbye.

Off to tumbling class for these two!

A basket!


As blurry as she is giddy.


Suki will climb this ladder on her own and swing out on the first bar, but then summons help for swinging to the others.

More zipline fun.

So comfortable on a ladder.

These three were a hoot putting balls in the cart.

Wheeling their precious cargo.

Loading up the cart again.

My incredible climbing Sook -- she's awesome at climbing up and over this structure now.

Checking out the marigolds at Home Depot.

Excited to show me what's in her school bag.

Her rescued animals.

This nightingale is such a hit.

With her dragonfly.

There was quite a story to go along with this, about a woman who went into her garden with too many pesticides... I'm not sure just how it tied in with N is for Nest but Grace was all hepped up about this one.

When we returned home, we cut up a large branch from our poor Bradford pear tree. My Suki is incredibly strong and did a great job hauling branches into the backyard.

Taking a little break.

Sister mania.

The saddest girl in the whole whole world because I won't give her chocolate before lunch.

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