Saturday, May 08, 2010

May 8, 2010

We started our day at soccer practice, which started well enough with 2/3 of the girls enthusiastic about playing -- when we got the field, that enthusiasm quickly waned. We have no idea why.

Suki's got a mighty kick!

Some of the little soccer team poses for a picture.

Too busy picking dandelions for much practicing.


Then it was off to the flower sale!

Choosing some blooms.

It's always fun at the playground.

Putting the flowers she selected in the wagon.

Then it was off to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

Naturally, we got loaded up with the store's monkeys.

A little song:

Tracking the bunny, back at home.

Kate can climb right in the back of the van all by herself, we came to realize today.


Grace admires the roses outside her dance class.

Giving the plants a little drink.

After naps, we went for dinner with some friends.

Grace had lots of toys to share with Freddie.

Outside with Valentina, Viviana and Marcia.

Kate gives Viviana a gentle pat.

At the end of a long, fun day.

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