Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

We went to meet some friends for an outdoor concert this morning!

Kate was her usual runaround self, sometimes in the stroller, sometimes trying to run down the street.

Grace had a rough moment or two this morning, and so when we went to the concert she asked very politely for this seat so she could have some privacy.

Kate goes to investigate.

Suki shares some goldfish with Elisabeth and Madeline.

Peekaboo with Grace.

Tossing coins in the fountain for the first time. These girls really got into it and cleaned both of our wallets out of pennies.

So much fun playing near the fountain!

A little lunch out.

Everyone tries to shepherd Kate toward some fun times in the little gardens.

These girls are wild about each other.

What a fun morning with such fun friends!

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