Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 21, 2010

Today we drove to Amherst to see my friend Amy and visit the Emily Dickinson Museum, located at the house she used to live in.

In theory this was a fine plan -- but something went wrong. Everything went wrong. The girls weren't feeling 100% healthy, they were especially shy, the museum is filled with priceless antiques that are not protected in any way except for trust that patrons will have the sense not to touch them. You can imagine that faith was not particularly well placed in the case of Kate.

We looked through the gardens before our tour began.

No photographs are allowed inside the museum, which is a mercy because that means there is no evidence of our ridiculous time inside. Grace suddenly decided she didn't want to see anything on the tour, Suki was extremely nervous and Kate just wanted to sit on or grab at everything. EVERYTHING. I was keeping up with her pretty well until she launched herself at a spindly wooden chair -- I held her up with one arm so her weight was off the chair but her iron grip on the chair back was something I could not break with one hand -- and couldn't cajole or threaten her out of. It took three museum staff members to help me get her away from the chair and then she tried to crumple some precious papers on a nearby table and I escorted her out before we got tossed out for unruly behavior. Or sued for property damage. It was a disaster. Amy took Suki up to see Emily Dickinson's bedroom while Grace and Kate tried to come to their senses outside.

Amy wisely decided that a sit down restaurant with actual wait staff would be a mistake, so we ate on the sidewalk outside this sandwich shop.

The girls still behaved in the rudest, craziest way I may have ever seen -- Amy is awesome with children and sweet as pie, I have no idea what came over them. And then we left and on the way back to the highway got in a teensy fender bender that was totally my fault and left me pretty shaken. It was just a rotten day.

Grace lines up her rainforest animals.

Kate finds her own way to relax back at the hotel.

A parade and some crafting.

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