Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

Coming down the stairs, two styles.

Suki flips off the light as she comes down the stairs.

Excited about her breakfast and going to school.

Kate is a happy little one too.

Three sisters together.

Grace feeds Sook a cheese cube on the way to preschool.

Grace and Suki sing "I Can Sing a Rainbow" while we wait for drop off.

Tears today for the first time, but not from Grace. Suki was dismayed to see her sister go.

So sad.

In the garage back at home, Kate was all smiles.

Some chalk time helped Suki cheer up.


So cheered.

She's doing it!

Fascinated by fingers.

Kate loves to see her sister.

Grace is uncertain at the door...

...then is so happy when she sees us in the car.

Grace's work from school.

A weekly report from her teachers, for those of you who want to be in the know.

Stories from preschool today: the teachers teach the kids how to get in line and say "one voice at a time." Everyone sings good morning to Grace at the beginning of the day. She learned a song called "Where is Thumbkin?" They talked about the cloudy weather. No one read any books at all. She had one graham cracker for a snack and did not spill any of her apple juice. Grace and Zoe are playing together a lot or not at all, depending on which one you ask. Grace played on the mulch during play time, not on the equipment. On Tuesday a girl cried on the playground but stopped when a teacher told her that her mother would be coming right after they went back inside. Grace painted a picture with purple paint and played golf with Sam.

Grace had a very uncharacteristic accident in the classroom and Miss Carolyn reports that she seems "negative" about going to the bathroom. I told her that I'd told the director of the school and Miss Colleen, the head teacher in Grace's classroom, that Grace has never used a toilet or potty. Let me just say that Miss Carolyn was very lucky I was feeling placid when she suggested I start working on this at home. As if the past few months have been anything but a series of efforts to interest the girl in such things...

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