Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

On the way to school. Grace was a trifle cranky.

Kate in "the beach," as she calls it.

Suki loves super high pushes!

As we were dropping Suki off at preschool, we passed this church with its lovely flower beds. these girls were so cute I didn't realize at first what Kate was doing: pulling off petals and dropping them on the sidewalk.

Suki rousts that heathen Kate and sends her on her way.

Suki makes a crab with these tiles.

Kate and I went for a walk in the park after her nap.

We love the view from up here.

We picked up Grace and spent some time at the playground again.

Grace's lifelong dream is to buy ice cream from this truck. Tomorrow's the big day!

Sharing snack in the car on the way to pick up Suki.

Suki's schoolwork and ye olde hockey table.

Suki won this week's contest at school, guessing correctly the object in this "mystery box." Now it's her responsibility to fill it for Monday's game. Since the correct guess today was Ice Cream, I'm not sure I understand all of the Mystery Box rules just yet.

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