Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30, 2010

Cuddled early in the morning.

Naturally, Kate comes along to join in.

Grace had a dentist appointment this morning, but she begged to go to gym class this morning. We picked her up after her first parts of her morning were through. Then we went on what felt like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride over to the dentist in Cambridge.

In the waiting room. I cannot give the office staff here enough credit, they were so helpful in keeping the non-patients happy and amused while I was back with Grace.

Up in the chair.

Love, love, love this new dentist office.

Grace had her cleaning, fluoride treatment, and first set of x-rays -- these were immediately displayed on the screen and she was delighted to see her teeth up there.

Also, how cool is it to see a sneak peek of her adult teeth? They're up there on top of her baby teeth.

Going down the beautiful staircase on the way out.

Tossing leaves on the sidewalk.

Playing Cariboo Island.

Cutting out some animals.

Grace sings a song and recites a poem:

Suki and Kate make their own contributions:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010

Lacking a certain enthusiasm at the start of the day.

Suki and Kate on their perch.

Kate looks on as Suki draws.

Her smiling face with feet -- she is so proud!

Sweet Kate.

These girls sure love their painting time.

Going back to the house for a nap after dropping off Suki for preschool.

On the playground after picking up Grace.

Kate is mighty antsy about about getting in the car!

Suki shows off her schoolwork for the day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

Pausing on the way to school to look at the pumpkins over a doorway.

Kate, in total triumph and mid-"I did it!" about her tower.

Suki and another one of her dear mobiles.

Grace and her dandelion magic wand.

Suki and the usual dandelions, but also the colorful leaves that we are beginning to see on our walks.

Suki jumps with Sebastian while Kate rides a horse over at our friends' house.

We have been so lucky in finding some great new friends to enjoy along with our fantastic old ones.

September 27, 2010

Grace is ready for a fun Monday at school -- she's getting ready to unload her things in her locker.

Kate stands by, ready to assist as needed.

A little hug in front of our house.

Suki in front of her preschool.

I love the energy this girl has -- she's so ready to go!

After school, Grace and Kate went over to Julian and Sebastian's house to play for a little while before we needed to pick up Suki.

Suki shows off her fabulous school work.

Exploring a rarely experienced area in front of our house. Our driveway is seriously steep and my heart can't take it when these girls go bumping and jumping all over the uneven driveway, so they'd never seen this spot before.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

The Wake Up Parade (Grace on kazoo, Suki on cymbals, Kate on pitch pipe) marched down when it was time for Rebekah to rise and shine.

We lazed about for a bit and then headed out to the mall -- it was a chilly, drizzly day and a good time to spend indoors. This fashion exhibit captured everyone's attention.

Then we went to the Rainforest Cafe. We browsed in the gift shop for a little while.

Suki and Grace look around for things that will fit in their budget. They have a set amount to spend when we go there and they are getting very good at checking price tags and figuring out if they can combine small things and still come in under budget.

Today we were seated right with the gorillas, which was a fantastic treat. What a fun way to send off Aunt Rebekah! We were so glad she could come to visit.