Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22, 2008

Grace and Mom made some biscuits this morning.

Grace is turning into quite a little baker lately.

Today she learned all about equivalent measures and properties of different ingredients.

She also learned how to balance carefully on this chair and stir so ingredients don't go flying out all over the place.

She was so excited to cut out the biscuits. First she chose her cutter.

She pressed down and was thrilled when she saw dough circle emerge.

It took just a minute for her to realize that these biscuits needed to be baked before they'd be biscuits she'd recognize.

Suki meanders through the kitchen with a drink.

She looks in at Grace the baker.

I love this look but don't know what she was thinking when David took this picture.

The biscuits are ready to go in the oven!

Out of the oven and ready for her first bite. These biscuits are delicious!

I just love it when babies look at books. They are so fascinated!

A little blurry because David's bouncing her in the basket.

Best game ever!

Grace and her pals.

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