Saturday, August 05, 2006

August 5, 2006

At the flower shop on the way to lunch with friends.

Grace spotted a red gorilla that's even bigger and fluffier than her own. It was love at first sight.

The two gorillas together -- just look how happy she is to have them both. Luckily, our lesson that you can play with something in a store but it might not come home with you seems to be working.

Lazy Saturday afternoon -- these two are the picture of relaxation.

Looking through some books.

Leaning on Dad while reading.

Excited to see Hop on Pop.

Pointing out just where Pat is going to feel the pain if he sits on that cactus. Grace is so funny while we're reading this -- she always shouts a warning to Pat when we get to this page (usually along the lines of "No, Pat! Owie!").

Grace as a... vampire?

She loves it when I fan her with anything -- a book, a paper, whatever's handy. It cracks her up and then she grabs the "fan" because it's so overwhelmingly funny.

Hysterical over the fanning.

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