Friday, August 11, 2006

August 11, 2006

UPDATE: Grace took her first official steps today! We were practicing on the deck, having her walk back and forth between the two of us with someone's hands on her shoulders (for comfort rather than support). And lo! When we lifted our hands off her shoulders, she still walked anyway! For the record, her first steps were toward her dad (which fits, as he seems to be the focus of just about all of her firsts). End update.

Today Grace and I drove in to have lunch with dad -- it was my first time ever navigating these highways by myself and I am happy to report no property damage or casualties. I'm not sure you can tell from these photos, but we had such a fun time at one of our favorite Indian restaurants.

Another fine family portrait :) Can you believe this was the best of the lot? Grace is complaining because she wants to hold the camera, I'm trying to jolly her up, David looks like he's closing his eyes to get away from it all. Best of the lot, folks. You should see the others.

Grace and me hanging out by the doors.

She loves this elephant!

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