Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30, 2008

Suki decides to try some of Kate's milk.

Kate was pretty amused by this.

Grace checks out her favorite timepiece.

My little sweet pea has been practicing her letters -- here, she spelled her name (but then added some curlicues for flourish and obscured it a bit).

Also, successful use of the toilet twice today -- we are giddy at the prospect that this whole thing might be really catching on. I bet some of you thought we'd be posting more detailed photos of this accomplishment, given some of the detail we go into here, but.. no. Even I draw the line there :)

November 29, 2008

Tons from our play time outside today!

Some animals up in the tree -- we sing the Way Up High In An Apple Tree song and instead of apples, we shake down the animals. Grace and Suki crack up.

A chat on the stoop with Dad.

Tugging each other along like puppies.

Rolling down the hill!

No frogs left.

And now, some of Kate, who was napping during our time outside this morning.

Such a little beauty.

Friday, November 28, 2008

November 28, 2008

Playing with the Surprise with Dad.

Grace practices her rolling and cutting. By the time it's cookie season, she's going to be ready to go.

Ready for some artistic expression.

Grace practices drawing her letters.

Reading with balloons and Dad.

Some Katie close ups after her nap.

Trying to chomp the camera strap.

Such a sweet baby.
Oh! I almost forgot -- there was a Grace breakthrough today when she used a toilet for the very first time in her 45 months and 3 days with us. Naturally, David was the one who can take the credit (besides Grace, I mean) for this accomplishment. He's a great one with the firsts. We are so pleased and proud of our sweet pea.