Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18, 2008

These girls have so much fun just laughing together.

When I went i to get them up this morning I paused outside to hear them cracking each other up.

Suki patting Grace on the back as if she's a baby.

So happy together.

See them in action here.

Crazy Suki in the chair.

Grace eyes me warily as we watch her new potty training video.

Examining a block.

Stacking them up.

My little tough guy.

Smiling on the zebra.

Kate watches the tower construction.

Placing the top block.

So proud of herself.

Kate contemplates a luau.

Everyone gathers around to entertain Kate.

Busily not rolling, though Grace tries to encourage her.

I think Suki was inspired by our time with the physcal therapist this week. She mimics the step the therapist uses with her own medical kit.

Grace sat her gorilla beside her and read him a book.

Kate loves watching Suki.

Happy to see Mom.

Also happy to see the mobile.

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