Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

Kate is so!  excited!  to be going on her first field trip!
On a bus!
The whole experience really could not have been any more fantastic for Kate.  And by that I mean just the bus ride over to the gigantic gym that was the destination.

Ready to go in!

Listening to what it means to participate as a team.  This group had an extremely fuzzy understanding of the concept and in the end was turned loose in a huge room full of balls and did not do a single thing involving teamwork.  But they had fun!

Kate and her friend Zoe.

Being fierce under the parachute.

Being twirled by her friends.

The whole class.

Kate and Lizzie cooperate with lifting a huge baseball.

The bus ride back with Lizzie.

When climbing off the bus, Grace was offered Mrs. McCarthy's hand to get help descending.
She declined and jumped off the step instead.
They stayed for lunch and play time after school, and they had a ton of fun.  And were very tired, as you'd imagine.
Running with Lizzie.
Suki Sunshine and her flowers.
Playing over at Michael's house after we got Grace from the bus.

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