Thursday, November 22, 2007

November 22, 2007

Dad prepares breakfast as Suki cheerfully waits.

Grace was so excited to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade that she kept running in and out of the room, dancing like the acrobats and exclaiming every time she saw a familiar character.

Sisters kissing.

Grace spies the mice on a float.

All on her own Suki practiced trying on her sister's necklace.

A little reading on the zebra.

Go Dog Go with Mom.

Suki and her Dad.

Waiting for her dinner.

Ready to eat!

Watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special.

Eating with a spoon for the first time!

She was so pleased with herself. Another first today was Suki helping me unload the dishwasher, handing me silverware piece by piece and saying "Thank you!" after each hand off.

Grace finishes her chocolate mousse -- she loved this little treat.

Two fun Grace stories: as she was running across the floor this evening she tumbled to the ground. She popped up surprised and shouted "I catapulted!" Also, when asked what she was thankful for, her choices today were toast and grapes. When pressed she did manage to add Gorilla and Duck. So cute, that one.

Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was lovely and perfect and definitely one to remember.

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