Sunday, April 22, 2007

April 22, 2007

Fun with... guess who?

Suki always has fun in her Bumbo seat.

Sunblock in hand, Grace is ready to head out to the playground.

Grace just loves the swings.

Today we played a game where I held the front of her swing and pulled her up higher and higher until finally my arms were as high over my head as I could raise them. And then I released the swing, telling Grace "I let you go! You're going so high!" And as cheesy as it sounds it made me think of what it will be like in just a short time (because as I'm coming to find, everything in raising a child happens in just a short time) when we do release her into the world lead her own wild and amazing life. This girl is going to go so high.

She really did not believe me that she just could not go in the pool today. Unfortunately, it does not open until Memorial Day.

Suki had such a great time wearing Grace's hat.

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