Tuesday, June 12, 2007

May 31, 2007

Suki really has a thing with Grandpa's voice. As long as he's silent, she's fine but as soon as he speaks, she doesn't seem to know what to make of his deep voice.

Suki dropped the camera on the stone floor at Grandpa and Mary's house today. It was with these pictures of Grace looking out the door for the dog that I realized how bad the damage was.

Still looking at the dog.

Sakura sent rubber hair ties flying around the room as Grace watched and John Leo drew.

Grandpa gives Grace her first ride on the tractor.

Grace plays on the hillside with Sakura.

Suki and John Leo share a swing with Aunt Cyndie.

As you can guess, this photo with Aunt Tina was taken right after our trip to buy a new camera.

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