Sunday, October 22, 2006

October 22, 2006

Sunny face, messy hair. It's always so slippery right after washing it. For a bonus cute story, I'll tell you that after a bath Grace looks at her pruney fingers and instead of staying they have wrinkles she says they have giggles. She also insists on calling antelope canteloupe. She gets a little gleam in her eye when she does it, so we're trying to figure out if she's trying to make a joke or trying to be stubborn!

Looking at her cat book.

I found this when I came home from doing some shopping today -- I have no idea what it is, beyond the fact that it's somewhere in the order Phasmida, like the walking stick a few weeks ago. David took this great photo.

(note: Mary says this is a katydid!)

Grace loved watching this walking leaf.

She also loves spotting different clouds in the sky. When we go outside or if she looks out the window, she loves to declare "I see cul-louds!" with a big smile on her face.

Kisses for mom are too quick to capture, but this was her face afterward.

Returning the favor.

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