Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

Probably our last day at the beach for the season.  What a great one it was!

We went with our friends Nicole and Linda.  Maybe one day I'll brave the beach alone with these girls, but I can't think why when there are always such fun friends around.

Nicole helps Kate and Suki make mermaid tails.

Packed up and off for an adventure!

A tattoo adventure!  I'd never seen a shop like this, with airbrush and henna and lord knows what other kinds of tattoos available.

Oh, they loved these tattoos!

August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

Picnic lunch at a get together for students in Kate's new class.

Plus some time on the playground afterward.

At orientation for Suki's kindergarten.  Kate certainly was comfortable in the classroom.

Suki did a great job today, settling in easily and listening to the teacher as they read books, did an activity and took a tour of the classroom and the school.

She helped her new friend Caroline feel comfortable and read books to a whole group of boys while I filled out paperwork.

On the way out we were walking slowly (and silently) past Grace's classroom when her teacher noticed us.  Grace finished packing up her backpack and popped out for a quick hello and a chance to show off her locker and the bulletin board outside her room.

Back in!  What a treat it was to see her.

At home and making a special treat for tonight's party.

After the bus stop.

We decided to go with averages and called tonight for our first day of school party.