Saturday, October 02, 2010

October 2, 2010

We went to the Museum of Science today. One of the first experiences we had there was in this lab where the girls were encouraged to discern which foods were mainly carbohydrates, which were fats, and which contained mostly proteins. Grace was game, Suki was interested in looking at the food but showed her characteristic shyness with adults.

At another section of the lab, chemicals were combined with different foods in solution. If they changed color, they revealed whether they contained carbohydrates, fats or proteins. Suki's favorite was the biuret reagent, a blue solution that turns violet upon contact with proteins.

Another favorite part was the goggles.

Suki and Grace were allowed to squeeze the reagent into the beakers and check for the color change themselves.

Then we were off to look at the live animals in another part of the museum.

Peeking in at the duck.

Looking down at the Charles and at the kinetic sculpture.

Examining Da Vinci's water wheel.

This kinetic sculpture was a huge hit.

This black widow gave us a great opportunity to talk about models and why they are useful.

The dinosaurs were a big draw.

Putting the bones in their place.

This globe is outside the Van de Graaff generator. We thought the girls would enjoy seeing the lightning up close because they love electric storms so much... however, when the first zaps were seen all three of them either flung themselves to the floor or into our arms and began weeping. We had to hustle them out of there before another zap was heard, it was such a primal sort of panic. We could not believe it.

Fortunately, they rallied at the lunar module.

Looking at the wild animals.

These specimens were so cool, and the drawers could be opened to check out more.

Admiring the beaver.

Kate was mildly distressed that this bird was so stuck.

Kate listens to hear what the moose had to say.

The giant grasshopper!

Push one button and a chime would be heard, press another and the lights in the middle would illuminate. The idea was to act in coordination with your fellow "fireflies" but these girls were more in the mood for mayhem.

Checking out the video games.

There's a special Escher exhibit, and these girls liked sitting in front of the convex mirrors and trying to draw what they saw.

It was so much fun to see which pendulum swung fastest, especially when those pendulums were swings.

Whee! Topology!

Yay! Probability!

Watching the wands dipping in bubble solution.

This pendulum dropped sand, and the idea was to see what patterns it would show. It was very hard to resist grabbing the chains to pull it from side to side.

Finishing our fun day with some ice cream.

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