Photos from February 2005-February 2006 are available here
Sunday, April 11, 2010
April 11, 2010
Working on their "amazing craft project," according to Grace.
A quick reading break.
Suki loved her blue swirls, Grace drew Mr. Frog and Rock and someone else from the Wonder Pets. That girl is a huge fan of drawing and cutting.
Making brownies! Suki cracks an egg into the bowl.
Grace measures and pours in water.
Suki makes sure to pour in every drop of oil.
Blending the ingredients together.
Pouring in the brownie mix (hush, yes, it was a cheat).
Mixing again.
There's a new game in our house, where I pretend to be a bear and Grace and Suki say "Sisters forever!" as they fend me off from my attack. It is incredibly cute and incredibly hilarious.
Lying down on the couch. Kate is increasingly insistent on claiming her own place to sit there.
I could not believe this amazing whale Suki drew!
Our brownie picnic. Grace and Suki are looking toward Mason, the grandson of our neighbors.
He happily joined us with his grandmother for brownies and brought over a dump truck full of chalk and rocks to share. As you can imagine, that was a big hit.
Antonio and Viviana soon came to join us, and the girls' beloved babysitter Colleen also stopped by to visit. Have I mentioned lately how much I love our neighborhood? It is awesome.
Colleen pushes Kate in Viviana's car.
Bumper cars!
A little race.
Suki looks on -- sometimes her shyness keeps her from fully joining in. I always say thank goodness we've seen Grace go through the same thing and emerge on the other, more social side.
What a lovely, fun day!
David's got a very big day tomorrow and the girls made up a song and dance to encourage him. It was really meant for him but I know some of you get a kick out of this kind of thing:
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