Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 20, 2009

This morning the girls' cousin Calynn came over to Grandma's to play.

Suki and Grace were great at being gentle with this little peanut of a girl but Kate is used to playing with her big sisters. It took some practice before she was able to be gentle enough with Calynn.

Then we all went to a local playground. It was a wet, fun time.

This was the first time on a merry go round for all of these cousins. Some liked it fast, some liked it slow.

It as also the first time for my girls on a see saw. They had so much fun!

David held on to Kate at first...

...but she was soon able to do it on her own.

Aunt Melissa and Calynn on the merry go round.

Suki went up the highest slide of her life! I was so proud of her bravery.

Playing after a pizza lunch.

Kate reads with Grandma.

Grace is tickled by Aunt Melissa.

Our family friend Pat came over to visit.

A terrible shot of Aunt Melissa's attempt to hold two babies at once.

Then we went out to dinner. Oh, out of our minds was more like it...

It started strong, everyone in their seats and happy.

Grace enjoyed her spaghetti.

But as you can see from this, it was a very difficult meal.

Do you see the smashed glass there? The debris of all types? Our most challenging meal out to date.

Dessert was good, though.

Heed this, siblings -- if you are concerned about a sneak peak at what Grandma's gift might be for your wee ones, click away now! Click away, I say!

Ahem. Did you click away? If not, proceed at your own peril.

Everyone always loves their mittens from Grandma.

She knits them for our girls just like her grandmother did for her.

Suki opens her birthday gift -- we just love this book now.

My little guys were thrilled to find their new cook set and play food.

The aprons were a big hit, too.

Dad opens the gingerbread houses I haven't stopped hearing about yet -- everyone is so excited to put them together!

My very special Christmas present.

The shards of plastic after Grandma opened her gift.

Grace couldn't take it anymore -- we went to find her after she'd been missing for a few minutes and found her collapsed on the bed.

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