Photos from February 2005-February 2006 are available here
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12, 2009
Would you like to guess what Kate's first word turns out to be? Listen for yourself and see if you hear what I hear:
It's not perfectly enunciated but it's the first time she's mapped a word clearly and deliberately to an idea or object besides mama and dada (in our book, those do not count as first words, our reasoning is a little vague but it's ours). So after each bite this morning, she would say mmmm, then "good!" Or at least something close to that :) Also today, while we're at it, the upper lateral incisors are officially through -- first word plus new teeth, it was a banner morning for Kate and we weren't even through breakfast.
This is how Grace smiles when she plays a joke on me and thinks I'm not looking.
Kate looks out the window after preschool drop off.
Suki looks out on her side.
Suki on a very unsuccessful tricycle ride.
A grassy bite in the yard.
Drawing in the driveway.
A little kiss.
Thinking about climbing a tree.
Grace is ready for pick up!
Last Tuesday Grace told me the first story (unsolicited) about her preschool day, about playing with three monkeys. Today she told me that she played on the firetruck in the playground. I cannot believe it took until May for the stories to even start coming! But also glad to hear them, of course.
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